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This School Holidays

My traveling friends Ies and Jay are now in Kuantan for a trip. Ies ada free stay at Swiss Garden from yesterday till Saturday. I memang tak boleh ikut. Tapi, oh blur nya aku 2-3 hari ni, I just realise I can actually go! Weeks before I told them I couldn't go because of school week day. Lagipun Sabtu ni my nephew Ijjul's engagement. Bila dua orang tu pergi semalam, I just realise - ni kan school holidays! Ok, ok, I still can't go because I have deadline to catch. These user manuals I'm doing kena hantar minggu ni. I set my own deadline - Friday morning, walaupun pagi tadi rasa-rasa macam nak je drive east to Kuantan. And then... I just read Adda's FB post (about her class being cancelled) - esok cuti!

I should've just pack this morning, grab Aliyah and drive to Kuantan!

Tak pe lah. Tak ada rezeki nak ke Kuantan.

What Aliyah and I did yesterday... Semalam tukar card Bank Islam kepada MyDebit card. Walaupun ramai orang, it was over in about 30 minutes. Nak sambung urusan ke Tabung Haji perut dah lapar. So, terus ke IOI City Mall :)
 Berjaya ajak Aliyah try Korean food @dubuyo
 This is very nice. Honey garlic chicken bibimbap. With the side dishes i.e. bancan of kimchi and 2 others I don't know what made of eggplants, carrots and potatoes tapi sangat sedap. 
Finally found the Murakami book I have been searching at Borders. I went crazy yesterday. They set up one table full of Murakami books. Only Murakami books! And 4 of his books are on the Top 10 fiction list. I have one more to buy. Sabar, sabar... I have 2 Murakamis on my side table I have yet to read. And I still have that ghost novel Rooms to read!
