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Old Friend

I'm so excited. And happy. A long lost friend has been found :).

It started with posting of photos on FB by some Sri Aman friends. This bunch of them went for a reunion. I really don't know which class that was even though I know more than half of them. But then, I was at SRK Kg Tunku before, and then Sri Aman. Obviously the students are that bunch of people! I lost track of who's with me at which class on what year.

It got me thinking of my days at the school and some old friends. I have been trying to get in touch with my jiran sebelah meja Ina Zulina for years. We sat together for 2 years ie Form 4 & 5. I couldn't trace her before. After some time I just gave up and the effort was forgotten. After looking at those photos of old classmates yesterday, I tried searching for her name. It took a while. Maybe she had her profile private. I finally found this FB account that has her name in one of the comments. Despite putting cats as her profile picture, I knew it was her.

It took her a day to respond to my message. And after just a few exchange of hellos, insyaallah we'll be meeting up. It's been 28 years! Masyaallah... imagine that!
