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Met An Old Friend

Yes, we met up today. I drove all the way to Giant Mall Kelana Jaya since Ina is around the area. The traffic was bad. There was a stalled trailer somewhere in KL and traffic seemed to have gone haywire at a lot of places. I had to exit Kajang toll and take the LDP instead of Kesas. 10 minutes late for our meeting.

I rushed to Secret Recipe but she was not there. Replied to her message and waited. Just minutes later, Ina came around the corner, looked at me cautiously and grinned. She looks exactly the same. Just like that last day of SPM exam 28 years ago when we said our goodbyes. I honestly was at the brink of tears when I saw her. We shook hands and the first thing she said was - pipi kau masih gebu lagi macam dulu! Hahaha... Tak jadi keluar air mata!

We had a lot of catching up to do. 28 years is a very, very long time. I told her we did talk on the phone about 2 years after she got married. She said that must be around 1997. Funny that we both actually have only one kid - a daughter. Hers already 20 years old. And it's also funny how our conversation just flowed effortlessly and endlessly like we have never been apart! She told of her life story - a summary of course. How she took Physics in UM after finishing Asasi Sains. And I teased her - kau apa masalah ambik fizik? She replied, betul lah. Kita kan dulu selalu fail fizik! And she teased me back. Kau pulak apa masalah ambik English? Pasal tak ambik Sains? Long story my friend, long story :).

Crazy to think how well we actually know each other. She told of her business (she has a stationery store in Kelana Jaya) and how difficult it was to find good workers. She said, aku ni macam kau la. Cepat naik angin. Huh? Hahaha... I'm still raking my head when we both lost our tempers. Or rather, I think we are both easily irritated. Like how we rolled our eyes and looked at each other when the brightest girl in class asked stupid question during Maths when the Maths problem was the easiest and simplest to solve. And how we both just accepted our fate when our Maths teacher moved on to another topic after that brightest girl in class said she understood a really difficult Maths problem in a jiffy while we were both struggling to solve the first line! I told her that now that my daughter is bigger, I can indulge in outdoor activities that I like especially hiking. And she said, kau kan memang suka benda lasak macam tu. Double Huh? We still remember each other's traits and interests :).

We exchanged stories and before we know it, it was already 12.45pm! Adoiii... Definitely late to fetch Aliyah from school. We said a rush goodbye, hugged and promised to keep in touch. And all the way back I thought of our good old days at school. It was really good seeing Ina again. I totally forgot to take a selfie due to the rush. Next time, Ina said :).
