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Very Quiet School Holidays

As usual, school holidays are quiet times for us. Kedai pun agak sunyi. Budak sekolah semua balik kampung kot. We close early these few days - after Maghrib. Besides finalising last year's accounts, nothing much. Project dah habis, tengah nak cari project baru. Payment wise, alhamdulillah, we finally got that proof-reading payment walaupun masih belum clear. Yang besar sikit tu, entahlah. Rasa dah malas nak follow-up.

We took Monday off to go to Alamanda for nice lunch at TGIF. Esok Aliyah nak hangout dengan kawan-kawan pulak. Perhaps one more off day for me. Thursday, ada idea baru nak explore which might require me and Linda to go to The Mines. Buat research dulu :).

Must create product. That has been my aim for the past few years. Maybe this is it? Will see.
