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Lama Tak Bermeeting

After months, semalam pergi official meeting. A pre-kick off meeting of a project. Sebenarnya I tidak ada pun dalam filem ini, tapi the night before, Hubby said his contact for the project asked me to come along. He said perhaps he has something for me too. Dalam kepala bayangkan ada small discussion with him to discuss my role. Tapi bila sampai, terus berintroduce sesama project team dan lepas tu masuk meeting.

Sudah tentunya bila datang dengan zero (expectation, knowledge, etc) dan dihidangkan dengan presentation yang panjang lebar by the client tentang scope project yang menyentap jiwa, I terus sakit kepala. All the while, I thought - why oh why am I here?

Lepas meeting baru dapat duduk and discuss my role. Alhamdulillah, something I can do from home/shop walaupun ada masanya kena juga stationed at client's place. Sekarang tengah tunggu scope of work to finalise the arrangement.

After my very bad first day of Ramadhan - one urgent-need-to-pay-for-something-that-could-not-wait-as-if-the-world-would-end-that-day-itself and a bad news early in the morning about us not going to get our M4 until iBook is really in Malaysia, 2nd day of Ramadhan was with good news. Unexpected. Mulanya Hubby and I planned that I will support his work. Which means he would have to pay me :). With this new arrangement, I will support the project with my own pay, and extra pay if I assist Hubby. Akak suka, akak suka.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah.
