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Hobi Baru?

For the past 2 weeks, I've been researching this field of handicraft that really interest me. As time goes by, when I actually try doing it, it really is difficult. Nampak macam senang. What I plan to do is - secret for now. In the midst of research phase. I think the best way is to go to a class and really learn how to do it.

Anyway, one branch from that handicraft field is felt art. Amazing stuff. Also, nampak macam senang tapi tak lah senang. Mulanya plan nak pegi buat research dengan Linda esok, tapi hari ni pun dah jumpa barang-barangnya.

Hari ni Aliyah patut pergi hangout dengan kawan-kawan dia kat IOI City Mall. Tapi last minute, sorang backed out due to an emergency. Mula-mula muka tension macam mati kucing. So I thought, since I'm the one supposed to drive the girls, might as well take the day off and hangout with her. So, hari ni spend setengah hari ukur mall. Berjaya membeli jeans baru setelah jeans lama koyak setelah bertahun-tahun pakai. Half price at Parkson. Bought Hubby 2 T shirts - cotton and very soft - for him to wear for work. Sekarang kerja pakai T shirt Merida berpeluh-peluh sampai balik rumah!

Aliyah, as usual, got herself something too. Kalau ikut dia, memang malam baru balik agaknya since benda yang dia cari tak dapat. But I finally found felt materials at Daiso. Macam-macam jenis pulak tu! Bought 2 types and a bunch of colourful threads.

First experiment tidak menjadi. Dalam kepala formulate theory macam doable. Tapi bila execute, banyak flaws. So, moral of story, better to stick to the lessons on YouTube! Berjaya buat the first craft using felt cloth. Siap terus bagi Aliyah :)
 Bertahun-tahun tak menjahit, tiba-tiba rasa best pulak! I used to love doing cross-stitch. Lepas SPM dulu-dulu siap buat table cloth for my mother. Felt craft is really interesting. Cuma dah try a few times, I just can't get the hang of blanket stitches. Keras betul jari!
