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A Song for Troubled Soul...

I was switching channels just now when I managed to catch the last song of a concert by Nidji. My favourite song of all time - Laskar Pelangi. I would have tears in my eyes every time I hear this song. It has "saved" me numerous times these past years. It would seek me when I most needed it. I know it sounds crazy. I guess Allah has many ways of reaching His hands to us. And one of His many ways of reaching to me is through this song.

It started just like any other songs I have in my laptop. A nice song to listen to. And came that dark time in my life. That one particular time when for the first time in my life, I have no where to turn to, no one to turn to and didn't know what to do. Literally, I didn't know what to do. I remember driving along that quiet road with my mind blank. And this song came on the radio. That was the moment when I actually understood the meaning of the song and slowly strength came back to my numb body. Since then, I would listen to it when times are tough. And at times, it would come out on the radio when I feel down. It just feels like being understood. I don't know by whom but it's always a relief to be understood...
