My good friend Enida once said - "...bersyukur itu susah...". I totally agree. Kita selalunya kurang bersyukur pada Allah for all His blessings. Why? Because kita selalunya tak nampak His blessings. Yang kita nampak ialah kesusahan.
Frankly, things are difficult for us. That is the risk of both of us running our own business. I was so frustrated for not being able to take Aliyah for a nice holiday. But she is such a sweet and understanding little girl. And I am very grateful for that. Now, back to things being difficult - a lot of things are stagnant at the moment except for these few small projects we get from this particular insurance company that engages us for translation work. Other than that - people are waiting for election. So, nothing actually moves. And this is not good for people like us.
So, at times like this one only see the difficulty. This morning, however, I got a knock on the head (well, not literally) for being too engrossed in my own difficulty. I cooked bubur nasi ayam yesterday for lunch. I am very used to making it a lot because I used to pop over to my parents' place to give them some. Now, I still make it a lot out of habit. Since last night we ate out - due to taking Aliyah to the clinic and me having very bad migraine and in need of piping hot tomyam, I kept the bubur in the fridge. This morning I gave the bubur to someone, who was so grateful to receive such simple food from me. My only aim is to give the food away so that it doesn't go bad. But upon receiving a big "thank you", I realised how blessed my life is. My simple food made her day. Things might be difficult nowadays but it is still OK compared to other people. Hidup memang susah, tapi ramai lagi orang yang lebih susah...
Alhamdulillah... syukur pada Allah atas segala pemberianNya.
Frankly, things are difficult for us. That is the risk of both of us running our own business. I was so frustrated for not being able to take Aliyah for a nice holiday. But she is such a sweet and understanding little girl. And I am very grateful for that. Now, back to things being difficult - a lot of things are stagnant at the moment except for these few small projects we get from this particular insurance company that engages us for translation work. Other than that - people are waiting for election. So, nothing actually moves. And this is not good for people like us.
So, at times like this one only see the difficulty. This morning, however, I got a knock on the head (well, not literally) for being too engrossed in my own difficulty. I cooked bubur nasi ayam yesterday for lunch. I am very used to making it a lot because I used to pop over to my parents' place to give them some. Now, I still make it a lot out of habit. Since last night we ate out - due to taking Aliyah to the clinic and me having very bad migraine and in need of piping hot tomyam, I kept the bubur in the fridge. This morning I gave the bubur to someone, who was so grateful to receive such simple food from me. My only aim is to give the food away so that it doesn't go bad. But upon receiving a big "thank you", I realised how blessed my life is. My simple food made her day. Things might be difficult nowadays but it is still OK compared to other people. Hidup memang susah, tapi ramai lagi orang yang lebih susah...
Alhamdulillah... syukur pada Allah atas segala pemberianNya.