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If Only Humans are Humans

It has been such a "heavy" week. My heart being heavy that is. I had Plans A - E for this situation we are facing. A situation that if the powers that be are human enough, they would help people like me. After all - the salary they receive promptly every month comes from the contribution of people like me. But - nope. They follow the book because it is "easy". They can finish their work every day and go back home. Whereas, people like me who contribute and pay for their salary has to work day and night.

I pray to Allah for assistance to help me out. I tried taking a loan but funny that financial institutions don't seem to like SMEs. They love full-time workers even though their salary can be below RM3000. And these financial institutions give them loans of what - 10 times their salary. Whereas, SMEs like me has to prove that we can get at least RM50k of income per month for at least 6 months to get a mere loan of RM8k. Look, if we have RM50k in our account every month, why would I want to get a loan of just RM8k? The girl at the counter of this bank kiosk looked at me with guilt saying - "sorry kak, ini guidelines".

I pray Allah give me ideas on where I can get help to take us out of the situation. I believe that the loan rejection is a blessing in disguise. Perhaps I am not meant to take a loan. I have never taken a loan for my business ever since we started in 2006 except last year. And that was for a small amount of RM10k. I finally contacted one of my ex-bosses and even though I didn't get the loan I requested, I was fortunate enough to get an advance of a training we will be working together after Raya. So - not a loan, but an advance.

Then, I resorted to my Plan E - surrender my insurance. At times like this, I really appreciate having a few insurance. In fact, I actually have more than 5 insurance. I will die richer than I am alive! Of course insurance company would advise not to surrender, so I withdrew the bonus. So, the advance + the bonus + some company cash = about 75% of the amount we need to pay. At least, we got ourselves out of the sticky situation.

Alhamdulillah... Allah permudahkan urusan and akhirnya berjaya menyelesaikan masalah. Terima kasih kepada hamba Allah yang telah membantu - from my ex-boss to the insurance consultant who was so nice enough to speed up my application.

Always believe this: "Allah tidak akan sekali-kali menguji hambaNya diluar kemampuan hambaNya". Jadi - usaha dan doa. Usaha lagi dan doa lagi. Minta pada Allah kurniakan idea untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Bila dapat idea - usaha dan doa lagi.
