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Another Trip to the East Coast

We went east to Kuantan yesterday for a sebutharga briefing. It's for a system development. Too big for us. Our partner senyap je, I guess we have to do it alone and if Allah grants us the project, then we find resources. Maybe have to go again to submit the proposal. Adoi, penat (even this time around Hubby did all the driving!). It was raining like crazy on the way back - that made the trip very tiring.

The briefing was chaired by the Penolong Ketua Setiausaha I've known ever since we started doing translation work with the agency. It amazed me that he remembers my name even though we meet like once a year. As usual during tea is the best time to get to know the latest. Managed to korek-korek some interesting facts.

This time around the scenery was beautiful - the trees were all deep green compared to our last trip. I saw a few places in the forest being cleared with lorries carrying timber. Should be legal logging la because too close to the highway, but we never know...
