Our cats. Each has its own personality.

Eecah: very smart cat. But not so friendly. If you pick her up, she would look at you as if you are an idiot with nothing better to do. But she would gladly sleep in Aliyah's arms though. If she ever become friendly, it can only be one thing - she's hungry. This is her favourite spot and pose.
Eecah is Mimi's daughter.

Tabby: shows his emotions clearly. If I pretend to scold him, he would look at me, and then look at Hubby with pleading face like - "help me...". Very brotherly towards Eecah.
Tabby is the kitten that we found in front of our house Ramadhan last year.

BoboiBlur: blur memanjang. Come to think of it, I think something might be wrong lah. Because I always catch him running in a circle - from side door to the sofa, to the other sofa and stop near where we put our bikes. Always in that pattern. My nephew Nizam always remarks: "Boboi ni tak besar-besar, macam tu je". Tabby is now bigger than him. He has good manners - like he knows that we saved him and thanks us. If he eats, he will make sure that he would eat even the food that dropped to the floor. Tak membazir :)
Boboi we rescued at Rubi's gerai nasi lemak.