Subhanallah... that's the only thing I can say... I had the most amazing dream. It doesn't matter if I had the dream during my morning nap. But it is the greatest of all dreams. I think it had to do with me subscribing to Prof Kamil's FB recently, and me reading his blog daily, and also I was so mesmerized by a photo someone shared on FB yesterday - of the area around Kaabah after a heavy rain. The area was in a few inches of crystal clear rain water and kids in white jubah were playing in the water.
I dreamed that I was in Makkah with a few friends from school. The trip was organised by Prof Kamil. He welcomed us and even gave a tazkirah - asking us about a doa to recite. Those who answered gave some funny and weird answers. He finally recited a doa of his own - in BM just like in his books. I can't remember what. Then his wife Roza arranged for our rooms. I tried to send SMS to Hubby many times telling I've arrived but never could complete the message.
Then I realised I was not prepared for the trip at all. I didn't bring a lot of stuff I needed. I must have traveled there in a hurry. My anak tudung was missing, my doa books are left back home. But then, the real me (who was having the dream) actually thought - why would I need the book if I can just doa whatever I wished. I then found those staying with me not as eager as I am to be there. I wanted to go Kaabah but they were dilly-dallying. I went around asking for Roza so that I can follow her instead but she was not around.
Finally it was Subuh I think and we managed to get there in a hurry. I was so sure there was no place for us, but then I walked to this place - white gold marble floor with sejadah around and there were still empty spaces. I looked up. I couldn't remember much but I still have this image of a big and high velvety black wall so close in front of me.
I woke up, tried to get back to sleep. I wanted to continue the dream. (This works some times you know!). But it just stopped.
It was not something "peaceful" - because in the dream I was hurrying here and there - searching for things and people and I was tired when I woke up. But in my head, I still have that huge black velvety wall and white gold marble floor image. Until now. And that's such a sight to behold... Subhanallah...
(I don't care if soon there's a fatwa by an "ustaz" saying what I dream about is not true! Tapi, ustaz pun bukan senang dapat mimpi Kaabah kan?).