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Another Sungkai Trip

As I was writing this, I was thinking - what on earth am I doing in front of this laptop during my vacation? Know what, the only way I can really take a vacation is if I leave my laptop at home. But I really can't. Not yet. Maybe one fine day if I go to Bali again, I might!

I just finished doing proof-reading for this translation work. Itupun one file only - 5 pages. I don't know whether I will or have the energy or the mood to continue with the rest come morning. With Aliyah around in this little trip, it's quite a difficult feat.

So, we are here - Yatt, me and Aliyah. We reached this resort at around 1pm, checked in - not many people around - and rested. Then at 3pm we went to the hot springs and the mountain pool. It rained quite heavily at first, but then we intended to get wet anyway, so, what the heck! Aliyah looked at me with big round eyes when I said - you can play in the rain!

I hope for a relaxing day come morning. Feeling quite tired. This vacation mode has started to kick in. Like Yatt said to Aliyah - "walk slower, we are on vacation!". Maybe I should shut down my system and just lie back.

So, a note to Hubby:
Yang, saya tak sempat (*tak de mood, malas, penat, tak de energy, wifi slow, tangan lenguh*) la nak proof-read the texts... Awak je la habiskan ye... With lots of love from us :)
