Let's see...
We presented to the agency on Friday morning. I can't really say it was a good presentation. We've presented better. But one thing I've done is that - we no longer agree to every single thing like we used to. My experience befriending our business partner Shaji is that - if it's not worth it, better not do. A project must be worthwhile, with profit. So, we'll see... Kalau ada rezeki, dapat. Insyaallah...
Anyway, the day before - Thursday - I had this very valuable experience of God's greatness. It truly showed how - kalau kita tolong orang, insyaallah Allah tolong kita. We got Casfian to do a few designs for the presentation, however, on Wednesday night, he emailed Hubby saying he's got "transport problem". So, Thursday morning, Hubby called him to make sure he comes to the office. One of those rare times that I saw his full commitment - he said he's already on his way to the office - walking. And that's a long journey from Putrajaya to Seksyen 15! So, we quickly got ready and picked him up halfway. By then he had walked for almost 1 hour, with another hour to go!
That Thursday we actually have less than RM40 to our name. My cheque will clear on Friday morning. So, the money was for our lunch, dinner (if masak, then save sikit), next day breakfast, and for toll and other stuff on Friday morning. But then lunch time, screw our finances, we belanja Casfian lunch. And Allah maha pemurah, after lunch I got an SMS from my brother - that he banked-in RM50 into my account for this long ago invoice. Imagine that... We picked Casfian up, belanja lunch and tadaaa... got RM50 in return. Allah maha pemurah, maha penyayang...
Saturday was spent visiting my newly-wed brother-in-law Pijal at his new place and then for dinner at Aliyah's favourite place - Sushi King.
Today - Sunday at home. My father came in the morning bringing his mesin rumput that we wanted to borrow. So, Hubby dengan semangat wajanya dah get ready early in the morning with his garden gloves, old leather shoes, old work shirt to learn and cut the grass at our little garden. After nasi lemak for breakfast, my father pun ajarlah Hubby guna mesin tu. Bila Hubby start mesin rumput, my father macam tak senang duduk. Then, he went to his car and brought back his working boots and gloves (memang dah ready je). He then took turn to cut the grass to show Hubby the right way of doing it. Then, passed the machine back to Hubby but after just 5 minutes, he asked for it back. Then he actually cut grass for the whole garden! And in just 30 minutes.
That's my old man cutting grass at our garden. As I sat at the patio watching him, I saw this similarities between us. We are both Virgos. Our birthdays are just 3 days apart (my father's birthday is 17 September), so we basically are both perfectionists. At times, we think we can do better work than any other people. I saw that my father believes he can cut the grass better and faster and would rather do it himself. He even trimmed the places that Hubby cut! Know what, I do the same with my staff's work...
Hubby menunggu his FIL pulangkan mesin rumput yang tak kunjung tiba! Hehehe... next month perhaps and by then sure dah terrer. But then I think it was a relief too because his hands kind of crammed after handling the machine. But my 75-year-old pops did the whole garden gracefully with just beads of sweat on his forehead :)
We presented to the agency on Friday morning. I can't really say it was a good presentation. We've presented better. But one thing I've done is that - we no longer agree to every single thing like we used to. My experience befriending our business partner Shaji is that - if it's not worth it, better not do. A project must be worthwhile, with profit. So, we'll see... Kalau ada rezeki, dapat. Insyaallah...
Anyway, the day before - Thursday - I had this very valuable experience of God's greatness. It truly showed how - kalau kita tolong orang, insyaallah Allah tolong kita. We got Casfian to do a few designs for the presentation, however, on Wednesday night, he emailed Hubby saying he's got "transport problem". So, Thursday morning, Hubby called him to make sure he comes to the office. One of those rare times that I saw his full commitment - he said he's already on his way to the office - walking. And that's a long journey from Putrajaya to Seksyen 15! So, we quickly got ready and picked him up halfway. By then he had walked for almost 1 hour, with another hour to go!
That Thursday we actually have less than RM40 to our name. My cheque will clear on Friday morning. So, the money was for our lunch, dinner (if masak, then save sikit), next day breakfast, and for toll and other stuff on Friday morning. But then lunch time, screw our finances, we belanja Casfian lunch. And Allah maha pemurah, after lunch I got an SMS from my brother - that he banked-in RM50 into my account for this long ago invoice. Imagine that... We picked Casfian up, belanja lunch and tadaaa... got RM50 in return. Allah maha pemurah, maha penyayang...
Saturday was spent visiting my newly-wed brother-in-law Pijal at his new place and then for dinner at Aliyah's favourite place - Sushi King.
Today - Sunday at home. My father came in the morning bringing his mesin rumput that we wanted to borrow. So, Hubby dengan semangat wajanya dah get ready early in the morning with his garden gloves, old leather shoes, old work shirt to learn and cut the grass at our little garden. After nasi lemak for breakfast, my father pun ajarlah Hubby guna mesin tu. Bila Hubby start mesin rumput, my father macam tak senang duduk. Then, he went to his car and brought back his working boots and gloves (memang dah ready je). He then took turn to cut the grass to show Hubby the right way of doing it. Then, passed the machine back to Hubby but after just 5 minutes, he asked for it back. Then he actually cut grass for the whole garden! And in just 30 minutes.
