This daughter of mine has grown into an "anak dara" now. If we plan to go out, we'll make sure she takes her bath at least 30 minutes before the rest of us. She spends hours in the bathroom - especially shampooing and conditioning her hair. Then, getting dressed is another long wait - dry her hair, put on leave-on conditioner, choose what clothes to wear... and perfume is a must. She is using up all my perfumes - nak tidur pun nak pakai perfume!
Her many faces from our Kuantan trip:
Tutup hidung sebab kandang ostrich busuk! Aliyah is so "pembersih". She hates going to the market or the wet sections of a hypermarket. I like to drag her there just for the fun of it. I told her - since she likes eating fish, she needs to know how fish smells like before being cooked!
A pose in front of the rolling waves before picking up seashells...
Suka la nak buat muka macam ni!
Her many faces from our Kuantan trip: