We spent the whole day yesterday at Sepang Go-kart circuit to watch Harith - my Kak Long's grandson aka my cucu sedara - race at the Yamaha tournament. He's a cadet - 8 years old. It was our first time watching him and know what, I actually have this new-found respect towards this boy. He is such a hyper and naughty boy but when he's behind the wheels, I was so surprised he could focus all his attention and energy.
The race really drained him - it was so hot and there were 4 rounds - warm-up, time qualifying, and 2 races of 15 laps each. He got no 9 out of 12 racers which I think was such an achievement because he's quite new to the race and he's actually the smallest and youngest racer. Harith is sponsored by UUM, he's got this van to transport the kart and all the equipment and all races are paid for. My personal view - motor sports is very stressful especially for kids. Not to mention full of politics (the big sponsors). It's going to be a challenging journey for this little boy.
That's Harith on the right in his racing suit. Aliyah as usual bermanja-manja with her Mak Long.
Last minute prep talk by his father Wan (left).
My niece & nephew. Harith's mother Titin with Nizam.
The crew fastening the tyres. Crazy - after each race the tyres got really worn out if grass got stick to them you can't really pull them out. They got stuck to the melted tyres. Look at Harith, so small and cute.
Taking position before the final race. Siap ada umbrella girl. The speed of the karts for cadets (below 12 years old) can go as fast as 78kmph. This circuit is the replica of the actual Sepang F1 circuit - of smaller scale of course. Harith's personal best is 57.1 seconds per lap.
The race really drained him - it was so hot and there were 4 rounds - warm-up, time qualifying, and 2 races of 15 laps each. He got no 9 out of 12 racers which I think was such an achievement because he's quite new to the race and he's actually the smallest and youngest racer. Harith is sponsored by UUM, he's got this van to transport the kart and all the equipment and all races are paid for. My personal view - motor sports is very stressful especially for kids. Not to mention full of politics (the big sponsors). It's going to be a challenging journey for this little boy.