I am very the busy now. I have this proposal and sebutharga to send this Friday. Have to drive up to Kuantan again... Penat... next daynya nak puasa dah. Then there is another proposal to do with Hubby also due Friday. Very interesting project kalau dapat. Insyaallah dapat... I love doing Web consultation. Anyway, please pardon my lack of postings ye. Nak cari rezeki :)
Apa lagi... Let's see... Hubby has been playing around with pond and buying "toys" ie this small bridge, castle and stuff. He has added 2 more kois - gold colour. So, every night we will both sit at the pond watching the fish swimming and talk. Business discussions pun buat kat tepi pond OK :)
The bridge and castle. By now, we basically know the "perangai" of the fish. The kois - berlagak sikit. They come out late afternoons and nights. The talapias - funny bunch asyik makannnn je. The small orange fish - suka bully. They like to torment the tortoises. The 2 tortoises - one very very shy, asyik menyorok belakang pasu, the other one couldn't care less. Asyik menguap and tidur atas batu. Lastly, the 2 tiger fish - they are in their own little world. We would sit and watch this circus of underwater world :)
Apa lagi... Let's see... Hubby has been playing around with pond and buying "toys" ie this small bridge, castle and stuff. He has added 2 more kois - gold colour. So, every night we will both sit at the pond watching the fish swimming and talk. Business discussions pun buat kat tepi pond OK :)