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Big Meal Before Puasa

Aliyah is so excited with the coming of Ramadhan. She wants to fast. Last year separuh hari saja.This year she's determined to puasa full day. (Oh anakku yang kurus...). She doesn't really like to eat, so puasa means nobody would force her to eat. Anyway, we asked her where and what she wants to eat before puasa starts. At first she wanted to have dinner at a hotel - buffet. But then I managed to convince her that it'll be a waste of money to eat buffet dinner because she eats so little. (Buffets are a waste of money for people like her and me - eat little, then a few hours later lapar and thought of all the food that we should've eaten!).

So, we settled for her favourite - Sushi King. Yesterday afternoon we went to Alamanda for lunch - week day, odd time hoping not many people are around.
She can really eat at Sushi King
