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Kuantan on Touch and Go

Hubby and I went over to Kuantan Friday morning to submit a proposal and quotation for a state agency. It was kamikaze. The deadline was 12pm, and we reached the agency at 11.45am, just 15 minutes to spare. So I went to submit (touch), went back down and straight away went back (go). That was the shortest time we spent in Kuantan - approximately 15 minutes.

We planned to spend the night before at my eldest sister's place in Kelana Jaya so that we can have an early start, but this web design partner buat hal who only sent his (below par quality of work on my standards) design the very last minute that both of us only got to go back home at almost 10pm. By then we were too tired to pack and drive out, not to mention I was too sick of this kind of behaviour my mood was really sour.

What's wrong with web designers nowadays? My regular web design partner screwed up just last month on a project. I built this relationship with the client bit by bit and they trusted us. I spent the whole week chasing this designer to complete his work by the launch time and still he missed it. Now - who knows? The last time I SMSed the contact person saying I'll be in Kuantan in case she wants to meet up, she didn't even reply.

Hubby then suggested his friend, saying this guy is reliable. You know, I have this thing against men who has more than one wife - the word is simply "hate". I am a married woman OK. And I have only one child. But still, the household does get a little bit overwhelming for both of us with career, house chores, a kid, a cat, a few fishes and stuff. My personal view - there is no way a man can ever manage two households and a career at the same time (let's just stop at two shall we?). Men are not good at multitasking. That's a woman's specialty.

Anyway, I worked hard for this proposal. I started last Monday (yea, yea a bit of procrastination) but I managed to assemble partners' quotations and complete the proposal by 3.30pm on Thursday. Ample time to spare to review, print, bind and stuff. But the designswere only emailed before Maghrib and after getting the designer to change some little things (I looked at the design and mentally rejected it actually), he suddenly disappeared from YM at 8.30pm. He ditched us! Finally we decided to replace this image on the home page with another we found on Google, paste the design on Powerpoint and Screenhuntered it. That's the best we could do.

Itu pasal kalau tak mampu, tak boleh berpoligami. The word "mampu" is very broad. Some men with small brains think that "mampu" means having a teeny bit of extra money to support 2 wives and thinking that they are "able" to jump onto different beds every night. That's not it. "Mampu" also means that you can manage 2 households and at the same time manage your work and career at the highest level of professionalism. If your work is affected, then you are actually "tak mampu".

I was so so sad. I felt like all my effort went down the drain. But I have done all I can, the best I can and now I can only hope and pray. And find another web designer.

Anyway, we had lunch, again, at Gambang R&R - the kari daging was superb.
