I don't really like to take photos. I ni tak photogenic. And I don't really put my photos on these pages. But here's an exception. Because there's a story behind them. We were having dinner at Haji Tapah on Friday night. Aliyah took our picture and then Hubby demonstrated to her how to use secondary camera and bluetooth. The story is that we were both so very dirty and smelly after working at the new house. Well, Hubby was even dirtier and smellier than I, of course!
Aliyah took this first. Muka dua orang parents yang penat gila bersihkan rumah...
Hubby demonstrating secondary camera to Aliyah. Baru nak ambik gambar mesra-mesra errrkkk... - "Bau masam, ketiak siapa busyuk?" (La, dah ambik gambar?) Lepas ni kena jauhkan sikit...
Wait, wait... nak betulkan tudung! (La, dah ambik gambar ke?)
Let's see... which angle do I look better. Left or right... (La, dah ambik gambar!)
busuk pun busuklah, bau badan aje jgn busuk hati.
saya pun selalu jugak badan berbau, maklumlah selalu berkebun.
One of your earlier blogs mention Dextra. That's it. You're doing MIROS' web, right? I've met you once I think. But nevermind.. no need to know who I am :)
You've got a face that is easily recognizable. Maybe not photogenic, but definitely unforgettable. Cheers.
what a small small world! oh my, where and when did meet? you must tell me!
not photogenic but unforgettable face? hehehe... i take that as a compliment :)