Ask anybody about the current situation in the country and you get more or less the same answer. People are sick of the situation. Penat. Despite all the commotion, nothing actually gets done. What's happening is much more than a circus, it's like a zoo. Betul, betul, betul kata orang after the election last year - nothing much will happen for the next 5 years. But it's real pity that all these energy is being channeled to the wrong place. If only the powers that be use that super energy and focus it on something better, we will surely excel as a nation. Energy banyak, tapi waste on trivial or unnecessary things. Daripada sibuk allocate resources cari kesalahan orang, baik guna resources tu untuk bantu rakyat.
Rakyat penat, penat, penat.
Rakyat penat, penat, penat.