I made roasted chicken with potatoes and buttered rice for dinner today. Very fast to cook, trust me - conventional oven, not microwave. As usual I would make extra - either for Hubby to take as breakfast to work the next day or to give some of the dish to my parents. My mother loves savory rice, tak kira lah nasi apa, and my father, he eats anything I cook with pleasure. My daughter, well, she needs to be "forced" to eat. Her idea of dinner is always roti canai. So is her idea of breakfast. And lunch if she has it her way. And tea too. While Hubby, anything I make for him is always sedap, and then blames me for making his stomach "boroi" nowadays.
So, everytime I cook, which might or might not turn out to be delicious, I cook for those I love and I know they appreciate my effort. I might not cook everyday. Sometimes I might be too busy. Sometimes the mood is just not there and we eat out together. If Hubby comes back late, I will buy take-away for him. But I will make sure he comes back to a hot meal.
And in the mornings, I'll heat up his breakfast. If there's nothing much to pack, I'll pack him some bread with whatever he fancies that morning. It can be bread with butter, or kaya, or peanut butter. Sometimes he let me rest and said he'll have breakfast at his office.
What is my point exactly? I was actually thinking of a remark I once received. Even though I might just "give" my husband bread and butter for breakfast, that food is prepared by me, the wife. As a wife, I prepare the food with love, starting with Bismillah. And all the while, I would pray that my husband would have a good day at work, work hard, and come back home safely. The food comes with a doa. And insyaallah, berkat I wake up early to prepare the food, Allah bestow upon me some pahala. Hubby would always say his thanks, kiss me and ask me to go back to bed.
So, the food might just be "bread and butter" that this certain person has the cheek to laugh it off and pick on it as a sign of a bad or lazy wife. But little does she know that the "bread and butter" represents a loving tie between a husband and wife. A simple food speckled with love, trust, prayers and commitment.
So, everytime I cook, which might or might not turn out to be delicious, I cook for those I love and I know they appreciate my effort. I might not cook everyday. Sometimes I might be too busy. Sometimes the mood is just not there and we eat out together. If Hubby comes back late, I will buy take-away for him. But I will make sure he comes back to a hot meal.
And in the mornings, I'll heat up his breakfast. If there's nothing much to pack, I'll pack him some bread with whatever he fancies that morning. It can be bread with butter, or kaya, or peanut butter. Sometimes he let me rest and said he'll have breakfast at his office.
What is my point exactly? I was actually thinking of a remark I once received. Even though I might just "give" my husband bread and butter for breakfast, that food is prepared by me, the wife. As a wife, I prepare the food with love, starting with Bismillah. And all the while, I would pray that my husband would have a good day at work, work hard, and come back home safely. The food comes with a doa. And insyaallah, berkat I wake up early to prepare the food, Allah bestow upon me some pahala. Hubby would always say his thanks, kiss me and ask me to go back to bed.
So, the food might just be "bread and butter" that this certain person has the cheek to laugh it off and pick on it as a sign of a bad or lazy wife. But little does she know that the "bread and butter" represents a loving tie between a husband and wife. A simple food speckled with love, trust, prayers and commitment.