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Confession of a Husband

Yesterday morning I was on YM with my sister. She sent this Surah (can't remember what) and wrote - "Kalau tak nak husband kawin lagi satu, baca surah ni dan niat kat 'jim' biar dia tak kawin lain". She obviously found that from somewhere. So I replied, "Kalau dia nak kawin satu lagi, biar je lah. Tak kuasa..." Ye lah kan, kalau lah dah mampu sangat, go ahead. (But of course before I drill stuff into his head the things he'll be missing. Never mind.)

Anyway, hubby and me are in the midst of changing our old battered Kancil to Viva. We even went for a test drive last weekend. Hubby's trying to save up on petrol consumption, especially with me yang bulan-bulan macam sabut - kadang timbul, kadang tenggelam ni. Before this, during our OK times, rajin lah pegi test drive nice big cars. Saja je - Camry, Citroen, Honda, etc.

So, yesterday night, I was watching TV when hubby came, sat next to me and put his hands on my knees. He said, "I have a confession to make", dengan muka yang guilty sekali. Immediately, I thought of my sister's YM that morning. Oh no, don't tell me this is about another woman. He's going to confess about having an affair? Terus teringat ABA's words some time back - "men has this 7 year itch". Cukup 7 years of marriage, akan jadi gatal sikit. Some men never (like ABA - ehem, iye ke...), some men's itch come less than 7 years, some more than 7 years, some every year...

So, I looked at him and asked, "What???" (dengan tone yang - you better tell me everything or I swear I'll make your life miserable). Then he said, "Ok, saya nak confess kat awak, saya dah tak nak dah plan ke or dream nak beli kereta best-best semua macam dulu. From now on, it's family first. So, if nak tukar kereta pun, kita cari yang save minyak. Next year harga minyak sure naik lagi. OK tak?".

........."Ha? Pasal kereta ke? OK la tu."


Since you tanya "iye ke", kena lah jawab = 3 times 7 years (married 21 years).... no itch... so far :)