Yesterday was the last day of SPM exam for anak comel. Officially her last day as a secondary school student. At exactly 12.15pm, I text my achik-achik friends - Merdekaaa! Yup, mak dia yang merdeka 😁. Itu signal untuk achik-achik yang I dah boleh join jalan-jalan.
Last paper was Perniagaan. She too was a bit emotional just like her Mommy. On the way to school she said, "Lepas ni tak lalu dah jalan ni pagi-pagi pergi sekolah..."
Alhamdulillah throughout the 3 weeks plus of exam, anak comel sihat. Any "ketidaksihatan" Mommy dia yang absorb. Even yesterday I was not well. Demam selsema. Lepas exam siap-siap terus ke Mesa Mall for lunch. Small celebration.
Lunch at Nom. Abaikan jerawat besar atas hidung dia tu!
Hari ni tak ke class pun. Still selsema. But I managed to get the first star yesterday. Petang buat workout sikit-sikit dalam 20mins kasi keluar peluh.
First star!
Bulan lepas punya.