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One Day to Go Before 2018

It's 30th of Dec 2017. As always, with the new year looming, flashes of the year's ups and downs come to mind. I can say it's been a good year. Alhamdulillah. Kalau rajin esok boleh buat summary 😎.

Anyway, just some stuff from yesterday and today... Kebanyakannya pasal merayap sebab I dah siap kerja translation😜. Ada lagi separuh sebenarnya tapi client tak upload lagi.

Semalam anak comel last kopek pergi tengok wayang dengan kawan dia. OKla, kasi can. The day before sempat jumpa kawan dia yang dah masuk MRSM tu kejap. Rasanya next year tak dapat nak jumpa kot. When it comes to friends, I'm always OK. Friendship is precious. Especially at such age. I have some wonderful friends and we've been friends ever since we were teenagers. Insyaallah such friendship can lasts a lifetime.

Mommy dia hantar both of them - anak comel and her friend, Balqis, ke IOI City Mall. Then, we went separate ways. I went to the stores yang sangat payah nak ajak anak comel ikut sama - Sports Direct and Daiso 😀. Tak beli apa pun, survey saja. Lepas pusing semua tingkat, I went back. Sebelum balik singgah Sek 9 kejap ke Krafezee beli ruler.
I'm now taking an online course to make palazzo. Nak pergi kelas memang payah. Online ni murah sikit dan boleh belajar tengok video saja. Any questions, boleh tanya cikgu. Walaupun dah beberapa pasang seluar I jahit guna pattern yang download, dan tekap seluar sedia ada (for Hubbs' pajama pants), I need to learn how to draw pattern from scratch. So, main tool needed is that ruler. Insyaallah esok nak try lukis pattern dan potong kain 😅.
Our dinner last night. Yeayy... prosperity burger is back 😋! Seawal hari pertama...
I just need to mention Mok. Sekarang makin rajin datang rumah semata-mata nak tidur. 
This is my current position for Global Challenge. Alahai... sikit saja lagi. Hubbs dah berjaya tamatkan challenge. Plan hari ni nak jog tapi kepala macam pening pulak. Nampaknya tak berjaya nak dapatkan 200,000 steps. Tapi I exceeded 150,000 target. Dan setakat ni still within first 50% of total participants. Esok kena usaha sikit. Dah sign up for January challenge. Settle anak comel sekolah dan Hubbs kerja boleh kot jog kejap 💪.
I love this photo sent by my SIL Angah Mas... She's coming back from her Umrah insyaallah tomorrow.
