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Jaga orang tua bukan senang. Paling penting kena sabar. Banyak-banyak sabar. Selalu cuba jaga mulut jangan sampai terkeluar perkataan yang mungkin boleh sakitkan hati my mother. No matter what she does and say, sabar. Kalau rasa macam nak terkeluar tu, tutup mulut rapat-rapat. Jawab pun jangan. Pandang pun jangan. Just ignore.

This story has got to do with the pisang tanduk yang Hubbs turunkan last week. Setelah seminggu lebih, satu biji dah masak. So, malam semalam I masak pengat. My mother memang sangat suka makan anything yang berasaskan pisang. Lepat, cekodok, pisang goreng, pengat pisang...

Pagi tadi bawa untuk dia. I tak panaskan sebab she likes to eat little by little. Kadang-kadang dari pagi sampai petang dia ambil masa nak habiskan food. I guess the best way is to keep the pengat pisang chilled. Takut basi pulak.

So, I was at the living room having short chat with my brother, as usual, when my mother called. She called my SIL's name first, then my brother's name, and finally mine. She's confused at times, not remembering our names. And she kept on calling. I was about to go back anyway, so I went in to salam and kiss her. My mother asked what's in the container. I said, "pengat pisang". And told her I made it myself. She then asked me to open the container for her. She looked at the pengat and reached out with her hand. I said "wait! wait!", and gave her a spoon. She took a spoonful of the gravy and tasted. I can see her eyes light up. She then break a slice of banana and ate it. She was clearly enjoying the pengat. In under 30 seconds, she finished up a huge slice of pisang tanduk and gave me the sweetest smile.

She then asked me to put the container away saying she will finish it up later. As I walk away she said, "Terima kasih banyak-banyak". I just grinned at her and went back with my heart brimming with happiness. It's that cycle you see. She's now at the age when she behaves like a child. Just like I brim with happiness whenever Aliyah says the food I cook is delicious, that's the feeling I have when my mother eats something I cook with pleasure.
