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Sekarang Baru Nak Tengok

I was serious when I said I don't watch Malaysian TV anymore. I terminated my Astro account that was used by my arwah father just weeks after his passing. What you read about how Astro bullies people is true. I had to pay one extra month even though I gave one-month notice of termination, and it was such a waste because the line was disconnected anyway. Until now, the account is still not fully terminated (I checked online!). Macam saja je tunggu waktu sesuai nak sambung semula, which actually happened once. Astro called Hubbs and offered 6 months of free service. They took Hubb's response of "need to discuss" as "Yes" and connected the line, and charged RM20 for connection fee. Jahat sungguh Astro ni.

I then transferred the Astro account I'm using at my house to my mother's house. I suspended the account because I was so sick of Astro. But I was not allowed more than 3 extensions of suspension. We then turned to HyppTV which I am quite happy with. But then we upgraded our package but the Internet speed stays the same due to TM router. Bila beli router baru yang lightning speed kiranya, tak compatible dengan HyppTV box pulak.

We then turned to this particular streaming service / on demand service by a friend and have been using it since early this year. Thousands of TV shows (current and ended), thousands of movies. Nowadays, kalau nak tengok Astro or HyppTV memang boleh, tapi either on phone or laptop and connect to TV. Both accounts have Everywhere and On the Go. Tapi jaranglah. For news, I'd rather watch AlJazeera than local TV news. For obvious reasons. Barulah aware of the happenings of the world. Dan barulah sedar satu dunia tengah perang sekarang while in our country people are still fighting over petty stuff. Sad.

Anyway, I've started watching Alias for the past 2 months. Sekarang dah sampai final season (5). When it was aired last time, I got hooked tapi selalu miss. Aliyah was just a baby then. Sekarang ni lah baru nak tengok balik TV shows and movies yang dulu asyik miss.

I told Aliyah that I'm now at final season of Alias in the car just now. I said, "Dulu selalu miss cerita tu. Masa tu Mommy baru dapat baby. Asal nak tengok TV je, baby tu ada je hal. Nak susu lah, lapar lah, uk-uk lah, wee-wee lah. By then time Mommy nak tengok TV, cerita pun dah habis". Aliyah laugh and laugh and said, "Nasib baik baby tu dah besar sekarang kan?". Hahaha...
