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Girls Baked Cake

Aliyah invited her friends to hangout at our house today. Dengar cerita aktivitinya adalah main playstation dan penny board. Itu saja? So, I planned an activity which in turned benefited me :). I got them to bake a cake!

Bukan apa, dah berhari-hari plan nak buat trifle. Tapi cakenya belum juga dibuat. Since ada 3 orang anak dara in the house, bagus juga buat kerahan tenaga. Builds character OK. So, I wrote the recipe on a paper, put all the ingredients on the counter, switched on the oven, and let them do the rest. Well, I did come down once to have a look. Quite resourceful kids. Pandai cari sendiri hand mixer (malas nak keluarkan mulanya).
Turned up quite nice. A bit sweet for my liking but dah lama nak makan old school cake yang panas-panas...
