I have so much to do, I just don't know where to start. It all stemmed from a fruitful Saturday last weekend. We conducted our first activity for mysa - brainstorm session. Invited guests were mostly ex-colleagues who represented roles of "parents" and "researchers". My nephew Ijjul came with a friend - they provided good point of view from "students". The session gave very good insights on what kids of our target audience might be interested in. We also got comments and feedback from showing our storyboard - there are a lot we need to improve especially the flow of content. I hope our hospitality - drinks, cakes and pizza - compensated their willingness to spare almost 3 hours of their Saturday free time to make mysa a better product. Plus some token and gifts. Alhamdulillah. I need to document all my scribbles.
Going back a few hours - the day actually started with my good friend Yatt coming over. After breakfast, she stayed to sign some documents and chatted with a few who started to come in for the brainstorm. Finally managed to give her the wedding gift we have kept for so long at the office. The trickle of people coming and going from 9am to 4pm actually drained us both. Good thing my Kak Long took Aliyah to her place on Friday, so she has her Abg Ijam and Kak Zura to occupy her time. After the brainstorm session ended, and after more chats with the few who stayed back, our invited guest - one of the Imam Muda - introduced by our favourite contact person from that favourite agency came. We felt so honoured and excited that he shared our dream to build mysa. He kept on saying - this is what I have always wanted to do, etc. Our favourite contact person, who also came over later on said perhaps this is "jodoh" :)
And after the long hours of having people around discussing ideas and thoughts, all I actually wanted to do was to go home and have a good rest. But then the shot of adrenalin made any rest or nap impossible. So, with the usuals, we went to Nilai to buy stuff and get my father his belated Father's Day gift - baju Melayu for Raya this year. Bronze colour :) Fit him very well.
What a day...