Frankly speaking, I jarang tengok news on TV and read newspapers - especially tabloids macam Harian Metro. Kadang-kadang bila terbaca macam buat dosa je baca benda mengarut yang boleh mendatangkan fitnah. Terlampau banyak cerita sensasi untuk lariskan jualan suratkhabar. Tak setuju walaupun I pernah kerja NST. Here's one story - a direct effect from such sensational story. Untuk friends working in the media - renung-renungkanlah. I am not trying to side anybody. I'm just writing from my personal observation.
I don't personally know this teacher but I started to know about him when Aliyah was still schooling in Bangi Lama. Let's call him Cikgu H. Seorang mualaf and a divorcee. One fine afternoon, I witnessed one "scenario" that confirms why I am not a teacher, will never be a teacher and parents should thank God that I am not a teacher - while he is. I was waiting for Aliyah at the shades of a tree when I saw the teacher, very smart in his shirt and tie walking down from the school building towards his car in a hurry. It was a Friday. I believe he wanted to get back home to get ready for Friday prayers. While going down the path, I lost count of the number of kids he greeted, pat on the back, talked to, laughed with... He was so warm and energetic. And I can hear other kids calling out to him from a far and he waved back smiling broadly. I told myself - now, this human being is a TEACHER.
He transferred to Bandar Seri Putra when the new school opened. This year, Aliyah got the chance to be in his Science class at tuition. Whenever Cikgu H couldn't make it for tuition, Aliyah would come back pouting saying - "Cikgu H tak datang hari ni... tak best lah". If he was present, Aliyah would tell me in the car what Cikgu H taught that day and the jokes he made without me having to ask. Aliyah even bought Cikgu H a present for Teacher's Day, even though he only teaches her at tuition. And at school, this teacher is actually awarded "Cikgu Cemerlang" for his dedication and good work.
Last week, there was a story on Harian Metro about a teacher biting a student. I only got to know a couple of days ago it was Cikgu H because Aliyah came home telling everybody was talking about it. I checked the school FB for news. Most parents have only good things to say about the teacher. And many wondered why go to the press? Why not go to see the headmaster, PIBG or even the teacher? Why can't the problem be settled within the school compound?
Yesterday Aliyah told me Cikgu H has been transferred. His name is no longer on the board. She looked at me, smiled sadly and then became quiet for quite a long time. I checked the school FB again - the moderator wrote a long comment that the school has lost its most dedicated teacher. A teacher who is willing to pay for his students' tuition fees to make sure they attend extra classes. A teacher who was not given a platform to tell his side of story and who was left in humiliation and shame. One small mistake and his years of dedication to the many generations of students just went down the drain. Just because some parents would rather take things to the press rather than settle it in a humane manner. And just because a tabloid lauds that such story can be sensationalised for the whole country to read.
On the school FB, one comment by a student touched my heart - "tolong jangan buang cikgu kami...".
I don't personally know this teacher but I started to know about him when Aliyah was still schooling in Bangi Lama. Let's call him Cikgu H. Seorang mualaf and a divorcee. One fine afternoon, I witnessed one "scenario" that confirms why I am not a teacher, will never be a teacher and parents should thank God that I am not a teacher - while he is. I was waiting for Aliyah at the shades of a tree when I saw the teacher, very smart in his shirt and tie walking down from the school building towards his car in a hurry. It was a Friday. I believe he wanted to get back home to get ready for Friday prayers. While going down the path, I lost count of the number of kids he greeted, pat on the back, talked to, laughed with... He was so warm and energetic. And I can hear other kids calling out to him from a far and he waved back smiling broadly. I told myself - now, this human being is a TEACHER.
He transferred to Bandar Seri Putra when the new school opened. This year, Aliyah got the chance to be in his Science class at tuition. Whenever Cikgu H couldn't make it for tuition, Aliyah would come back pouting saying - "Cikgu H tak datang hari ni... tak best lah". If he was present, Aliyah would tell me in the car what Cikgu H taught that day and the jokes he made without me having to ask. Aliyah even bought Cikgu H a present for Teacher's Day, even though he only teaches her at tuition. And at school, this teacher is actually awarded "Cikgu Cemerlang" for his dedication and good work.
Last week, there was a story on Harian Metro about a teacher biting a student. I only got to know a couple of days ago it was Cikgu H because Aliyah came home telling everybody was talking about it. I checked the school FB for news. Most parents have only good things to say about the teacher. And many wondered why go to the press? Why not go to see the headmaster, PIBG or even the teacher? Why can't the problem be settled within the school compound?
Yesterday Aliyah told me Cikgu H has been transferred. His name is no longer on the board. She looked at me, smiled sadly and then became quiet for quite a long time. I checked the school FB again - the moderator wrote a long comment that the school has lost its most dedicated teacher. A teacher who is willing to pay for his students' tuition fees to make sure they attend extra classes. A teacher who was not given a platform to tell his side of story and who was left in humiliation and shame. One small mistake and his years of dedication to the many generations of students just went down the drain. Just because some parents would rather take things to the press rather than settle it in a humane manner. And just because a tabloid lauds that such story can be sensationalised for the whole country to read.
On the school FB, one comment by a student touched my heart - "tolong jangan buang cikgu kami...".