Finally, after 10 solid days, the translation work was completed. It amounted to close to 90 pages. Kalau focus buat tu je, tak lah teruk sangat. But there are in between other work, proposals, meetings, deadlines, personal matters - a few times Hubby kena attend to my MIL yang tak sihat, dapur yang under maintenance, etc. Cabaran yang sangat hebat...
Yesterday, orang kata dah tenggelam sampai paras hidung. From early morning I was tied up with the website (we completed the website in less than a day - replicate standard template, organise the contents based on client's brochures, add photos, customise tools ie map, etc - our partner was so happy next week insyallah ada potential project baru, yeay!). Hubby pulak only started work on the last document after 2pm - after he came back from Melaka bawak my MIL pegi check up hospital. By 6.30pm memang both of us rasa nak give up dah... Laptop pun dah merayu-rayu mintak rehat sebab lain macam je slownya. So, I asked for a few hours of extension from my SIL. Allah nak mudahkan urusan - apparently she was on MC - thus we got that extension. Itupun tidur jam 2am dan bangun balik jam 4am. Finally, the completed work was emailed at 7am this morning.
Alhamdulillah... today I'm catching a breather. Nak bawak Aliyah jalan-jalan. Dia nak belikan birthday present. Yeay!
Yesterday, orang kata dah tenggelam sampai paras hidung. From early morning I was tied up with the website (we completed the website in less than a day - replicate standard template, organise the contents based on client's brochures, add photos, customise tools ie map, etc - our partner was so happy next week insyallah ada potential project baru, yeay!). Hubby pulak only started work on the last document after 2pm - after he came back from Melaka bawak my MIL pegi check up hospital. By 6.30pm memang both of us rasa nak give up dah... Laptop pun dah merayu-rayu mintak rehat sebab lain macam je slownya. So, I asked for a few hours of extension from my SIL. Allah nak mudahkan urusan - apparently she was on MC - thus we got that extension. Itupun tidur jam 2am dan bangun balik jam 4am. Finally, the completed work was emailed at 7am this morning.
Alhamdulillah... today I'm catching a breather. Nak bawak Aliyah jalan-jalan. Dia nak belikan birthday present. Yeay!