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Notis Penutupan Dapur & Kawasan Membasuh

Our kitchen is closed for maintenance. So is our washing area. The house is in such a mess. Dust is everywhere. The only place "liveable" is the patio and upstairs. The living area is quite OK, but I can't really stand dust.

Why the maintenance? Susah nak kata kan. Hanya dapat doa pada Allah semoga orang yang bertanggungjawab tu tidak buat benda yang sama di tempat lain dan dimaki oleh orang lain. Now we have to fork out a few thousands to repair the place. Insyaallah everything will be OK. Just need to be patient these couple of weeks. So, no cooking and washing. Makan luar and hantar dobi. Sigh... Dugaan dari Allah. Ada hikmahnya Allah duga dan bagi pelajaran. Sekarang dah pandai dan boleh bagi orang lain advice :).
 Dinding kena repair...
Lantai kasi pecah and buat balik...


dcharmed said…
apa sudah jadi kak? ni kat rumah or ofis?
Aniza said…
rumah sis. susah nak kata. apparently ada some places where old structure tak sambung dgn kuat with the new structure (main simen je). but only for this washing area. lepas pandang or ambik remeh je kot sbb such a small space. tapi small pun merisaukan bcause got cracks. so, kena repair la...
dcharmed said…
ohh luckily takde any incident happened. Same thing lah jadi to my mom's... tingkat belah atas retak habis.. siap hujung sudut dah pecah dah pun... datang sime darby, depa cuma tampal simen dan plaster balik jek, dia tak rebuild the structure...

haisshhh nowadays developer...