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Bila Nak Weekend Nih?

Whenever I see posts on FB that say things like - TGIF, or Monday Blues, or yang sewaktu dengannya, I immediately know that those are the posts of people yang makan gaji. Entrepreneurs don't put such posts because it doesn't matter what day of the week it is, it's always work. Tak adanya nak feel relief because it's Friday or merungut-rungut that it's already Monday. Those yang ada business sendiri will say - "What? It's Friday already??" and "Good, it's Monday!". Because we need our staff to work!

However, these past 3 weeks have been very hectic but time crawls like a snail. Today is only Wednesday??? With all the things that have been going on I thought it is already reaching weekend. Time doesn't fly this time around. I need the weekend to come fast because then our clients will be having a break and so can we!
