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Food Over the Past Week

Let's see... besides the nothing much, as usual, stuff going on day by day... Let's talk about makan-makan.

I made my very first cheese cake. Someone shared the recipe on FB saying - "the easiest cheese cake ever", "for those who have never made cheese cake before", "nothing will go wrong". Perfect for me! So I tried. But, as usual, the problem with these kind of recipes being share by friend to friend to friend is that - they don't tell you the details. Like - how big should the baking tin be? I had no idea. And since I decided to make only 1/2 of the cake - like what the recipe-sharer said she did showing how beautiful her cake is with strawberries and all, I used what I already have - a 9-inch tin.

The result? Very "shallow" and thin cake. But surprisingly very, very nice...
Well, the crust got all crumbled up - must have made a mistake in weighing but nice one :). Next time kalau nak buat half portion, must use 6-inch tin!

Then on Sunday, I made pizza specially for my nephew yang dah selalu sangat bertanya sampai akak kesian tengok muka seposen dia. Simple chicken, mushroom and yellow pepper topping. For breakfast some more!
Very generous topping.
