I didn't cycle last week - Hubby went outstation and then everyday hujan. Morning yesterday and today - off-road dengan semangatnya. Yesterday pegi Ldg Bangi, this morning pegi the one next to it - Ldg UKM. I like UKM better - the route less muddy and more matured. Tapi banyak batu pulak. Siap ada ada anak sungai yang air sangat, sangat jernih. Amazing. And good also sebab bike tak kotor sangat. Err... akak tak pernah basuh pun, Hubby yang rajin cuci :). Siap minyak rantai sekali. (You should see our car! Rasanya dah berbulan tak basuh. Tapi basikal hari-hari basuh ok!)
For 1.20hr ride, we covered 13-15kms. Ok la tu sebab off-road. I lost count of the hills we climb. And I am so happy that I no longer stop in the middle of a climb. Dah berjaya get the pace/momentum, so cycle all the way up then baru stop. Most of the time tak stop pun!
This morning, lepas morning ride pegi kerja. Walaupun melepek sikit, tapi siap buat meeting lagi. Dulu-dulu ride pegi office yang cuma 4.5km tu pun dah melepek setengah hari. Such major improvement, for me at least :).
I think I'm beginning to like off-road. It's the environment - the trees, the ground, the fresh air (most of the times la, bau taik lembu selalu juga...), the occasional creek and stream. Nature is so amazing.
For 1.20hr ride, we covered 13-15kms. Ok la tu sebab off-road. I lost count of the hills we climb. And I am so happy that I no longer stop in the middle of a climb. Dah berjaya get the pace/momentum, so cycle all the way up then baru stop. Most of the time tak stop pun!
This morning, lepas morning ride pegi kerja. Walaupun melepek sikit, tapi siap buat meeting lagi. Dulu-dulu ride pegi office yang cuma 4.5km tu pun dah melepek setengah hari. Such major improvement, for me at least :).
I think I'm beginning to like off-road. It's the environment - the trees, the ground, the fresh air (most of the times la, bau taik lembu selalu juga...), the occasional creek and stream. Nature is so amazing.