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LOTR Marathon

Whatever channels you subscribe on Astro, many, many times you'll find yourself surfing the channels and finding nothing to watch. Seriously... So, starting from 2 weeks ago, Hubby transferred our DVD player downstairs where Aliyah and me have been indulging in LOTR marathon - all 3 movies. And then back again. We are at our 2nd cycle now. It amazed me that Aliyah has quite high standards on the kind of movies or programmes she watches. Nowadays, it's Merlin, now going on the 4th season. I'm so glad she's not the type who watches stupid Malay comedy programmes overloaded on Astro nowadays. She would watch for a while and said - "Bodohnya...".

I'm thinking, I should re-read the LOTR book. Let's see how long I will take to finish it this time around! I'm now finishing re-reading The Gods of Small Things. Yup, no new books. I have yet to go and get me those Haruki Murakami books.
