The whole of Bandar Seri Putra is currently in a mess. Most of the roads are being resurfaced. Heavy machineries are everywhere. The contractor doing the work are not managing the traffic well. Some roads are being scratched out that they are really rough, I can almost hear my car screaming. Some roads are just being resurfaced that the tar is still hot. While some are somewhere in the middle with pebbles all over the roads.
Yesterday afternoon, I was driving back home with Aliyah, with my head full of all kinds of problems. At the first the road was really rough and course, then right after a corner the stretch seemed to have been resurfaced - very smooth. And the rest of the drive was a good experience.
Perhaps this course I'm taking is like that... things now are really difficult. There are obstacles and challenges and many many times I thought whether I can survive this. Every day is like a crawl. No matter how hard we work, things don't seem to move. I hope life will be like the road I took yesterday. I hope just around the next corner, things will get better.
Yesterday afternoon, I was driving back home with Aliyah, with my head full of all kinds of problems. At the first the road was really rough and course, then right after a corner the stretch seemed to have been resurfaced - very smooth. And the rest of the drive was a good experience.
Perhaps this course I'm taking is like that... things now are really difficult. There are obstacles and challenges and many many times I thought whether I can survive this. Every day is like a crawl. No matter how hard we work, things don't seem to move. I hope life will be like the road I took yesterday. I hope just around the next corner, things will get better.