I just came back from a day trip to Kuantan. For a sebutharga briefing. I went alone. And drove 8 hours to and fro in our little Viva. My right knee is killing me. So is my back.
It's been quite some time since my last visit to Kuantan so the trip really was tiring. The Latio would have taken less time and offer much more comfort for my back and bum. At one point I actually thought - wish I had the Latio now! I spent the hours talking to myself, singing my off-beat tunes and most of the time thinking and reflecting. There's so much stuff to think about. Most importantly - what I should do for this situation I'm currently facing.
In the end, I still couldn't find the answer. And I still don't know what to do. The songs I listened to didn't help much. The whole point of listening to the bunch of them is to get that feelings back. But they just gave me sore throat. I don't know whether this is a sign. That perhaps it really is over?
