Now that I've shown the positive aspects, the only tak best aspect of the hotel was the food. Seriously fail lah. My advise - go eat everywhere else except the Coffee House. We had dinner there because we were lured by the beautiful ambiance we could see from our room. Lagipun, malas nak keluar sebab jauh. The price of food memang hotel standards. But service and food tersangat teruk.
Our order sampai lambat and the food really sucks. Reason was - the chef was on emergency leave. So what kan? The group near to us also had the same bad experience - this group of Chinese who brought guests from Italy. I can imagine their embarrassment. Especially when you order spaghetti bolognese and get spaghetti with canned tomato soup and chunks of tomatoes instead. Aliyah tasted a forkful, said "Mommy punya lagi sedap", put it the dish aside. I will not elaborate on the other dishes because we have been warned actually. We read reviews by other people on some websites before we go.
Anyway, we were very disappointed with the food that we straight away complained to the hotel manager. As a result - the meals were free. Hehehe... talk about good customer service! I told the manager - "this is such a beautiful place and we really like this place, but seriously, the food is really bad". Hope they will improve their F&B before our next trip!
Our order sampai lambat and the food really sucks. Reason was - the chef was on emergency leave. So what kan? The group near to us also had the same bad experience - this group of Chinese who brought guests from Italy. I can imagine their embarrassment. Especially when you order spaghetti bolognese and get spaghetti with canned tomato soup and chunks of tomatoes instead. Aliyah tasted a forkful, said "Mommy punya lagi sedap", put it the dish aside. I will not elaborate on the other dishes because we have been warned actually. We read reviews by other people on some websites before we go.
Anyway, we were very disappointed with the food that we straight away complained to the hotel manager. As a result - the meals were free. Hehehe... talk about good customer service! I told the manager - "this is such a beautiful place and we really like this place, but seriously, the food is really bad". Hope they will improve their F&B before our next trip!