We started our journey at 10am. My father started his history lesson from the moment the car moved till we reach Sungai Besar 3 hours later. Along the journey I caught the familiar and long forgotten landmarks. Aliyah was so excited to see sawah padi. Our first stop was the house of Wak Dawain - a family friend. My father first befriended him when he built the school surau next to our first house in Sungai Besar. When we first moved, we stayed at the principal's house of Sek Men Seri Bedena. A few months later we moved to the Government quarters nearby.
Wak Dawain we found out was not well. Quite sad seeing him all sick like that because he was so good to us back then. In a lot of ways. We lunched to a peculiar yet delicious meal - masak lemak umbut kelapa with nasi impit, udang sambal and ikan kembong goreng garing. Surprisingly yummy. After that we went down the memory lane - our old house at the Government quarters.
Our old house. It was a 4-bedroom house, huge. But now it looked quite small to me. We didn't bring much furniture as my father rented most of them. So, our beds were the iron-framed ones with spring. My brother and I used to jump up and down on the beds! My parents were really into gardening when we stayed here - my mother planted orchids, while my father planted lots of vegetables. I remember he used to plant kacang tanah and we would help him pull out them out and later we would have piping hot kacang rebus.
The road next to our house. Just across the road from the house is Sabak Bernam police station. My bedroom window actually faced the Berek Bujang, so I had my fair share of seeing half-naked policemen back then. That was the road that I would take to go to school. You can see the sekolah agama at the end of the road. Nice school now. During my time, it was an old run down double-storey building made of wood. I loved going to school there. Back then, exams were not important in sekolah agama. We had fun learning - the ustaz would tell us stories about the Quran and the prophets. The ustaz treated us like we were their children. Our house was near the cluster of Pejabat Daerah, so naturally, I would go to the library every Saturday to borrow books.
Wak Dawain we found out was not well. Quite sad seeing him all sick like that because he was so good to us back then. In a lot of ways. We lunched to a peculiar yet delicious meal - masak lemak umbut kelapa with nasi impit, udang sambal and ikan kembong goreng garing. Surprisingly yummy. After that we went down the memory lane - our old house at the Government quarters.
The journey continues...