A warm Happy Mother's Day wish to all great moms out there... - to my mother, my MIL, my sisters, my SILs, friends... Being a Mom is just great isn't it?
My family celebrated ours yesterday. My Kak Long informed everybody (she is so so good at this - everybody will surely come!) and quite a good turn out. Except for my brother, Angah's family, the other siblings were there. I have not baked for a while, felt like baking, and actually baked 2 cakes - for Mother's Day and another one for birthday - my nephew Miqdam.
The food. The birthday cake was chocolate moist with butter cream and chocolate chips all around. The Mother's Day cake was vanilla (actually this very simple cake recipe my mother used to make - quite a heavy cake but I forgot to buy butter for the cake, so had to make do with this recipe) with lemon butter cream (my specialty). Everybody said both were yummy... :). My Kak Lang made meehoon goreng and her yummy karipap sardin.
Kecoh before the party starts.
My father start baca doa selamat. (How come I didn't get my mother in any photos I took?)
Mother's Day special. Siap ada performance lagi! That's my nieces Wani and Nurul menghiburkan para hadirin sekelian.
My family celebrated ours yesterday. My Kak Long informed everybody (she is so so good at this - everybody will surely come!) and quite a good turn out. Except for my brother, Angah's family, the other siblings were there. I have not baked for a while, felt like baking, and actually baked 2 cakes - for Mother's Day and another one for birthday - my nephew Miqdam.