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School Starts Tomorrow

School starts tomorrow. Time sure flies. Gosh, rasa macam baru je start cuti, dah new year.

Everything for school is ready. Just two pairs of new baju kurung school uniform for Aliyah, lain pakai old ones. Bukan apa, she will grow a few inches taller by June. So, we'll get her more new uniforms mid of the year. Shoes - just one pair. We bought her one new pair mid last year. I guess, that's one way of making her feel motivated to go to school - new uniforms and shoes early and middle of the year.

Anyway, she's such a nice little girl. If something can still be used or worn, she doesn't want it to be replaced. She didn't want new pencil box or school bag or colour pencils because she said hers are still good. But I bought her some new stationery anyway, and a small canvas bag to store her colour pencils. Her colour pencils are still in very good shape just the box has worn out. My daughter really takes care of her stuff well.

She'll be in afternoon session this year. I hate afternoon sessions. Such a waste of time. Also, I couldn't take her out after school like I used to. I love our little outings in the middle of the week when there are not many people around - lunch or movie or shopping...

Aliyah is not so happy that we will have to leave her with my second sister whenever we need to go to Kuantan these coming months. We promised her we will not stay there too long. And that we will try to bring her along whenever we can.

Big day tomorrow. My beautiful little girl is Standard 3 now...
