This morning I was having roti canai breakfast with Aliyah at our usual place. In the midst of eating, I saw her stare at a boy sitting next to us, and then I smelled something burning. Seemed that the boy, of about 5 years old, was burning a tissue paper using his father's cig lighter. I looked at the father, who then asked for the lighter from the boy and then walked away to pay. Aliyah gave me this uncomfortable look and asked, "Mommy, kenapa ayah dia bagi dia main api? Dia kan kecik lagi?". I asked her, "Dangerous tak main api?". She replied, "Dangerous lah!". So, I sized the opportunity to stress on how dangerous fire is and other related stuff. Then she asked me again, "Kenapa ayah dia bagi dia main api?". Oh wow, that I don't know how to answer. Aliyah believe adults always do the right thing, so how can I explain what a jerk that guy was for allowing his son to play with his cig lighter? Just a few weeks ago I was having dinner wi...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.