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The Agony Of Pregnancy

Angah, my sister-in-law who got married last June is now pregnant. Yes, good news. But bad news is that, she's now having that horrrible terrible morning sickness just like what I had last time. She was hospitalized for 4 days for dehydration and then fever. Kesian kat dia. I know exactly how it feels. I told her, "Akak tak de advise for you, because I experienced the same thing and there 's nothing in this world to make it feel better".

Looking at her just brings back the memories of 5 years back when I was pregnant with Sarah. The morning sickness started at 2 months and lasted the whole 9 months. Yes, I was one of those what, 10% of women who are sick for their whole pregnancy. I was hospitalized for 2 days je but then I had to take 1 month unpaid leave because I was so sick. Everything I ate came out, even water. I slept the whole day. Covered the windows with towels so that the room became dark - I couldn't stand daylight because sakit kepala. Then sleep until noon. Ate lunch - Nestum - then throw up (why I even bother eating pun tak tau). Then sleep until petang. Eat some more Nestum. Throw up again. Sleep again until hubby came back from work. He would peek, say Hi and grab his towel. I couldn't stand his smell so he's got to take his bath first.

After about 4 months I could eat a little. Bread and cheese. After that things got better - I could eat fast food - as long as there's cheese. So, one day makan McDonalds (double cheese burger), the next day makan kat Pizza Hut (pizza with extra cheese), the day after kat A&W pulak, then Dominos, after that the cycle started again. Other than that, sorry la. Masuk kejap keluar balik.

It was a difficult and long 9 months of pregnancy. It was then a long and painful 12-hour labour. It was then a long and tiring 2 months of pantang. Tapi Allah tu maha kaya, maha pengasih. After that Sarah is so so easy to take care. Except for the fact that she doesn't like to eat. Just like Kak Mah, the babysitter said - out of the many babies she took care of, Sarah was the easiest to take care. She never show tantrum in public, she doesn't cry or scream if she doesn't get her wishes, she is so loving, so compassionate, so understanding.

Tapi kan, if possible I don't want that experience anymore. Serik!
