If you watched Lost in Translation, here's an excerpt which really touched my heart:
“It’s the most terrifying day of your life the day the first one was born. Your life, as you know it, is gone. Never to return. But they learn how to walk, and they learn how to talk… and you want to be with them. And they turned out to be the most delightful people you have ever met…”
It was the time Bill Murray told Scarlett Johansson about his children. So very true, only in my case I have only one kid. I now can vaguely remember my life then, when there were just the two of us – hubby and me. And from the very day my little girl was born, my life has truly changed. Interrupted sleep is almost every night… not to mention the daily heartbreaks of leaving her, worrying about her at work, all the scary whatifs… And now that she can run and really talk, yes, she actually is the most delightful person I have ever met!
She makes me laugh, she makes me cry… and it’s a delight to listen to her, trying to organize her thoughts in choppy sentences to express her feelings. I’ve never really listened to anybody as attentively as I listen to her…
My life truly has changed… for the better :)