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At An Intersection...

Life always takes one to an intersection where decision needs to be made - either one is to turn left or right, or sometimes one needs to back track. I have been stagnant at this particular intersection for the past 2 months. This time around, the intersection reads - "career move". No, I didn’t get any job offers elsewhere and I don’t think I would like to work with any other company – full-time that is. What I want is flexibility in work – time, day, place… So that I can have more hours to spend with my daughter.

Officially, I have resigned from my present company. However, I am extending my service for another month until my immediate boss comes up with a plan for my employment. What I requested from him is if I can work 3 days a week and spend the remaining 2 working from home. However, he is still planning which is very much understood as I believe it is difficult for him to plan for such an isolated case.

And why I am still at the intersection? Because I just couldn’t make up my mind. I have colleagues talking and advising me. Most of them would want me to stay. But I just couldn’t put my foot on any of the direction yet.

On one hand, I actually enjoy the adrenalin of working with all the issues, problems and headaches coming into my way. And I have the pride of holding this title of vice president for a well-known company which will get listed on Mesdaq very soon. However, on the other hand, my undying wish is to stay home and care for Sarah, maybe taking a part-time job or two which allow me to work from the comfort of home.

I want to be there for her always just like my mother was there for me during my childhood. Of course money is always the issue. Staying will ensure me money, leaving will force me to fend for myself with no guarantee of money at the end of the month.

I really don't know... Helppp...
