Here’s a book I would very much like to tear apart and scatter the bits and pieces into the muddy Klang River. It is not even worth recycling. I bought Sidney Sheldon’s Are You Afraid of the Dark? based on sheer experience of reading his books in my early 20s. His previous works were so good with title such as Master of the Games, If Tomorrow Comes (love this), Stranger in the Mirror, etc.
So, it is either that my literary sense during my 20s sucks or that this book is really trash. Half way through I got really fed-up and almost flung it out of the train. Good thing I bought the book and has got to finish it up just to make up for the money spent. Helloo… two beautifully gorgeous women (one of whom is a supermodel) defeated an intelligent world-class mastermind and got away from being assassinated by this very experienced crook – not once or twice, more than that I lost my count. Weather control machine? I thought this was a fad in the 70s or 80s. Even Dr Evil in Austin Powers doesn’t use it to control the world. The ending? Of course the beautiful delicate ladies won, the bad guy and his evil girlfriend died, along with the big bad crook. Who wants such as ending? Reading the thoughts of the two women I very much want them to die too in the hands of the weather machine.
I was so very disappointed. Such an insult to my inteligence.