It's going to be quiet weekend. Anak comel won't be coming back. Next week dia ada 3 mid-term papers. Kena stay dan study lah. But then she called this afternoon for a chit chat and said she'll be going to Jonker's Street with her friends. OK lah, not too far. Kalau dah stay Melaka tak pergi Jonker's Street kira macam tak duduk Melaka lah kan!
I finished making 2 palazzo pants these few days. One I make for my CBF mate Rahani. The one she ordered katanya ketat sikit kat waist. Kena wiggle sikit nak pakai or take off. Alamak, that's the second feedback I got for that exact same pattern. Bila check measurement macam betul. Pelik lah pulak. Maybe I should draw another one for that particular pattern. Something must be wrong somewhere... I made a new pants for her saja-saja. Tapi belum dapat bagi lagi sebab tak jumpa.
Minggu ni missed CBF class on Tuesday sebab hantar anak comel balik MMU lepas subuh. Ingat nak ganti class hari ni join teachers' class. Tapi pagi tadi cuaca punyalah sejuk. Malasnya... Tapi berjaya memaksa diri pergi jogging petang tadi. Dapat 5kms. Fuhhh... dia punya seksa. Lama sangat tak jogging.
I finished making 2 palazzo pants these few days. One I make for my CBF mate Rahani. The one she ordered katanya ketat sikit kat waist. Kena wiggle sikit nak pakai or take off. Alamak, that's the second feedback I got for that exact same pattern. Bila check measurement macam betul. Pelik lah pulak. Maybe I should draw another one for that particular pattern. Something must be wrong somewhere... I made a new pants for her saja-saja. Tapi belum dapat bagi lagi sebab tak jumpa.
I also made one for my niece. Also using the same pattern. Sebab beza 1 inci saja. Hopefully she likes this. Now starting on a 2nd pair for another niece.
Berjaya 💪
Bulan ni - so far so good. Berjaya dapat semua stars! Kalau rajin keep this momentum, insyallah boleh achieve.
Lama tak cerita pasal those kittens. They are now more than 1.5mths old. And they have grown! Dua nampak besar sikit. One of them, exactly macam our long-lost beloved Kiki masa kitten dulu. Lagi 3 tu rasanya memang jenis kecik macam mak dia orang.
We bought this little bungalow for them last week.
Very comfy lah for them.
Ni yang macam Kiki tu. Anak comel bagi nama dia - Koko.
Yang ni dulu kepala dia besar sikit. Now entah lah... Haha... Tapi mata dia memang layu macam tu. This is Mocha.
Yang gelap gelita ni I namakan dia Kopi O 😁. Lagi 2 ekor actually susah nak bezakan sebab sama. Nanti anak comel balik suruh dia identify which is which. But she already given them names - Latte and Milo.
Habislah pokok bunga aku!