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Home is the Place

See... I spend so much time at home, I don't have any idea for a title anymore 😅. Around the house nowadays...
 I went to Ecco a couple of weeks ago and bought this. Because it's cheap. And because we don't seem to get the chance to visit nurseries around this area. So I tried putting this fertilizer at our trees.
 Three days later, look what we found at our mango tree! Alhamdulillah...
And... our lime tree too! Pokok limau ni dah berbulan tak berbuah.

Try it. Tak sure lah sebab memang bagus fertilizer tu or it's coincidence pokok-pokok tu keluar bunga! But then, I letak kat our lemon tree... masih hampa!

 Pokok pisang tanduk ni pun dah berbuah. Alhamdulillah...
Ini ialah pokok petai ya tuan-tuan dan puan-puan. Ha ah, I beli kat MAHA. Entah kenapa I beli pokok ni pun tak tau! Tapi lepas alih ke pasu baru, dan setelah hidup segan mati tak mahu selama hampir 2 minggu, dia OK balik. Hopefully sihat dan subur. My other fruit trees - durian belanda dan avocado tak menjadi. Tak berapa suka duduk dalam pasu kot.

About the kittens... Kopi O died yesterday. Sebenarnya daripada lahir pun dia paling kecik dan tak berapa sihat. Yang lain dah double in size, dia masih macam tu juga. Semalam pagi dia tak bangun, petang dia pergi. OK la, walaupun tak lah sayang tapi teringat-ingat juga sebab dia peculiarly cute. Dan manja. Sigh...
Pokok dalam pasu ni kira cannot be saved anymore 😒
