Our daughter turned 17 yesterday. Mixed emotions. She's growing up so fast 😓. My thoughts yesterday - next year no more buying school uniforms, shoes and books. No more buying stationery, pencil cases and school bags... She's finishing her secondary school. She's ending her 13 years of schooling - 2 years of pre-school, 6 years of primary and 5 years of secondary. Sebak juga... Rasa macam baru semalam we sent her on her first day of pre-school... where both of us, Hubbs and I, shed silent tears as she was led away by her teacher with her looking back at us with worried looks 😢.
Our little family already celebrated anak comel's birthday last week since she's attending the SPM seminar this whole weekend. Yesterday after her seminar at 5.30pm, she spent her birthday with her friends at Grato. Ok lah kan, next year entah ke mana kawan-kawan dia akan sambung belajar. Tak dapat jumpa macam tu dah.
Our little family already celebrated anak comel's birthday last week since she's attending the SPM seminar this whole weekend. Yesterday after her seminar at 5.30pm, she spent her birthday with her friends at Grato. Ok lah kan, next year entah ke mana kawan-kawan dia akan sambung belajar. Tak dapat jumpa macam tu dah.
I bought red velvet cake at our favourite bakery yesterday... Potong cake sebelum pergi tuition malam semalam.
This is the present she wanted so much. Delivered Selasa lepas. Dah pesan kat dia, isi Instax ni kena guna duit sendiri 😁.
So, with anak comel at school, this morning we jogged. Lama sebenarnya tak pergi jogging. Asyik hujan saja pagi. This morning the weather was so nice tapi certain times panas sikit.
Tak habis 5K pun. Boleh tapi macam malas nak layan panas 😅.
I got my 2nd badge 2 days ago! Awal 2 hari 💪. Nampaknya Hubbs sudah ketinggalan 😁.
Seperti biasa lepas jogging lepak mamak😎.
Tengah pikir... nak merayap mana hari ni sementara tunggu anak comel habis seminar...